10 Best Software Testing Certifications in 2022 [Updated] Free Download

Software testing refers to the swear out of gauging a software product for quality. It is also done to make the product best and minimize all the errors and problems with it. For professional software testing endeavours, we have something called the STLC or Computer software Testing Life Cycle.

Professionals prudent for the testing process are usually called software testers. While smaller and simple software products require only a few, surgery even a single, testers, complex, full-fledged software products demand a consecrate testing team.

There are several speculate profiles in software system examination, starting from testers and trial run analysts to examination managers and test designers. In increase to software testing courses, at that place are many software testing certifications available for both aspirants and professionals.

Second-best Software Examination Certification

There are all sorts of software testing certifications available, beginner-level for aspirants, intermediate-point for individuals with some testing experience, and master- and expert-level for professionals with some years of software package examination experience.

In add-on to fashioning a portfolio attractive, certifications also grant individuals the opportunity to assess their knowledge and learn more about their craft. If you're looking for a relevant software testing certification, consider checking out these top 10 software testing certifications:

1. Certifiable Associate in Software Testing (CAST)

Certified Associate in Software Testing (CAST)

Level: Beginner
Offered by: Lineament Pledge Institute (QAI)

Exam Details:

  • Format - Multiple-pick
  • Total Questions - 100
  • Total time - 75 minutes
  • Passing Score - 70%


CAST Oregon Certified Assort in Software program Testing is a software testing-founded certification that showcases a rudimentary sympathy level of principles and practices associated with quality examination.

It is a fitting software testing certification for individuals looking to break into the software testing diligence. To be eligible for pursuing the computer software examination certification, candidates must meet one of these prerequisites:

  • A 3- or 4-class degree from an accredited institution.
  • A 2-year degree from an accredited creation on with 1-year of experience working in the IT industry.
  • At to the lowest degree a 3-year experience of working in the IT industry.

The CAST certification exam is conducted at Pearson VUE Examination Centers. Once the application is successfully submitted for CAST, candidates will receive a 367-page PDF dubbed Software Testing Body of Knowledge (STBOK) for CAST. It is ample to prepare for the CAST exam.

You lavatory buy this Koran here.

2. Certified Software Tester (CSTE)


Level: Second-year
Offered by: QAI

Exam Details:

  • Initialise - Multiple-choice + Seek-type
  • Total Questions - 100 + 12
  • Total Meter - 75 minutes + 75 minutes
  • Passing Score - 70% (average of loads in both exams)


$420 (includes a book version of the STBOK PDF)

Documented Software Tester certification assures a professional-level competency in the principles and practices of quality control (QA). it is  The CSTE certification is apt for sacking the purpose of a software testing operating room quality control consultant and quality control director.

To successfully enroll for the Certifiable Software Tester certification, candidates must be working or have worked in software examination (quality control) within the previous 18 months from the prison term of applying for the certification. Moreover, the candidates moldiness match one of the following prerequisites:

  • A 4-twelvemonth arcdegree from some licensed mental hospital + At least a 2-year working experience in the IT playing area.
  • A 3-year degree from an accredited mental institution + Leastwise a 3-year working see in the IT field.
  • A 2-year degree from an licenced institution + At to the lowest degree 4 years of go through in working in the Information technology industry.
  • At any rate 6-year experience of working in the IT field.

CSTE authentication involves two exams, some available at Pearson Vue Testing Centers. Aft successfully enrolling for the certificate program, candidates will receive Computer software Testing Body of Knowledge for CSTE (STBOK), a 557-page PDF covering the entire syllabus of the examination.

You force out buy this book Here.

3. Certified Manager of Software Testing (CMST)


Level: In advance
Offered by: QAI

Exam Details:

  • Format - Constructed response/prove type
  • Total Questions - 7 + 5
  • Unconditioned Meter - 75 minutes + 75 proceedings
  • Passing Score - 70% (average out Musical score of both exams)


The Certified Managing director of Software Testing (CMST) is a worldwide-level certification desirable for management-stratum software testing roles. Like past QAI offerings, CMST exams are held at Pearson Vue Testing Centers.

In addition to ensuring that the certification holder has temporary-level competence in the principles and practices of software program testing, CMST also demonstrates that the holder has the skill coif to manage software testing projects.

To successfully apply for the certification exam, candidates essential be actively working in the field of software testing and must fill united of the following conditions:

  • A bachelor's degree from any authorised institution + At least 4 days of temporary experience in software testing.
  • An associate grade from an accredited founding + At to the lowest degree a 6-year workings experience in software examination.
  • At the least 8 years of working experience in the software testing field.

To prepare for the exam, eligible candidates receive the 609-page Software Examination Body of Knowledge for CMST (STBOK) PDF. The examination has cardinal exams, with a 10-minute severance, that assess a campaigner's knowledge and experience in the following 4 areas:

  1. Test Management
  2. Test Analysis
  3. Test Planning and Execution
  4. Communications and Relationships

You can buy out this book Here.

4. ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL)

ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL)

Level: Tiro
Offered by: International Computer software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB)

Exam Details:

  • Arrange - Multiple-prime
  • Total Questions - 40
  • Overall time - 60 minutes (15 additional minutes for participants taking the exam in a non-indigene language.)
  • Passing Tally - 65%


The ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification is for anyone interested in demonstrating base software testing knowledge, including types of software testing, try planning and scheming, fault direction, and assessing project and product risks.

This certification is apt for bagging foundational roles in testing, such as testers, test analysts, and testing consultants. There are no eligibility criteria for the ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certificate.

You can grease one's palms this Good Book Here.

5. ISTQB Intelligent Tester Certification

ISTQB Agile Tester Certification

Level: Intermediate
Offered by: ISTQB

Exam Inside information:

  • Format - Nine-fold-choice
  • Tot up Questions - 40
  • Summate clock - 60 transactions
  • Passing Score - 65%


Agile testing is a newer go up to software testing that has been gaining adhesive friction lately. IT is based on the Agile software developing methodology. This certification is intended for:

  • Entry-level testers are interested in Nimble testing.
  • Experienced testers in traditional approaches to software development.
  • Expert developers tied to Agile projects with basic knowledge of testing.

The ISTQB Agile Examiner certification is an impart-connected to the ISTQB Initiation Stage (CTFL) certification. This means that fascinated candidates must first suffer a valid ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification to use for the ISTQB Agile Tester certification.

You can buy this book here.

6. ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst

Advanced Level Test AnalystFloor: Front
Offered by: ISTQB

Exam Inside information:

  • Initialize - Denary-superior
  • Total Questions - 60
  • Total time - 180 minutes
  • Fugacious Mark - 75%


Ane of the best software testing certifications for individuals working in middle-compass job profiles in the software testing industry to prove their metal atomic number 3 a paid psychometric test analyst is the ISTQB Sophisticated Level Test Analyst certification.

It is intended for software testers, software program engineers, mechanisation engineers, etc. In order to with success apply for the advanced-spirit level software testing certification, candidates need to have the ISTQB Base Level (CTFL) certification and essential meet one of the following conditions:

  • A grade in computing Beaver State similar field from an accredited institution + 24 months of software examination experience for pickings *2 sub-modules or 36-month experience for taking all the cardinal sub-modules.
  • A non-bachelor stage from an accredited asylum + At least 60-calendar month experience working in software examination.

The three sub-modules are:

  • Technical Test Analyst
  • Test Psychoanalyst
  • Test Manager

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7. Advanced Story Security Tester

Advanced Level Security Tester

Level: In advance
Offered by: ISTQB

Exam Details:

  • Format - Bigeminal-pick
  • Total Questions - 45
  • Total time - 120 minutes (30 transactions surplus for candidates giving the examination in a not-autochthonic linguistic process.)
  • Exceedingly Score - 65%

Tip: $249

The Advanced Level Surety Tester credentials is meant for testing professionals who already have accumulated several years of feel and are now looking at to take ane big ill-use encourage in their pro lives. A certified Advanced Level Security Tester is capable of:

  • Analyzing and documenting security try needs.
  • Assisting an organization in building information surety awareness.
  • Evaluating an existing security test suite and suggesting additional security tests.
  • Identifying security test objectives for a send off.
  • Provision, evaluating, and performing security system tests from various perspectives, including policy-founded, risk-founded, and vulnerability-based.

The syllabus for the advanced-level software testing certification is available happening the official ISTQB website. Requisites for the Advanced Grade Security Tester certification are:

  • Having a valid ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification, and
  • At least 3 eld of relevant academic, practical, or consulting receive.

You can buy up this reserve hither.

8. Advanced Level Nimble Technical Tester

Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester

Level: Ripe
Offered by: ISTQB

Exam Details:

  • Format - Seven-fold-choice
  • Total Questions - 40
  • Total meter - 90 minutes (23 transactions extra for candidates giving the interrogatory in a not-native language.)
  • Passing Score - 65%

Fee: $249

For candidates concerned in advancing their calling in intelligent testing, one of the best certifications getable is the Civilised Horizontal surface Agile Technical Tester. Requisites for the software examination certification are:

  • A legitimate ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification,
  • A valid ISTQB Agile Tester certification,
  • A bachelor-at-arms's degree from an accredited institution, and
  • Around professional experience in software system examination (determined by the Exam Board through which candidates guarantee the course).

A certified Later Tear down Agile Examiner is capable of applying quick techniques for ensuring adequate testing coverage, creating and implementing several Agile examination approaches, defining testable requirements, etc. Syllabus for the Advanced Level Agile Tester Certification includes:

  • Aspects of Write in code Quality.
  • Deployment and Delivery.
  • Requirement Engine room.
  • Prove Mechanization.
  • Examination-Driven Development (TDD).
  • Testing in Agile.

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9. Unified Utilitarian Testing v14.x Insane Professional UFT120-14-ASP

Unified Functional Testing (UFT) Certified Professional ExamLevel: Intermediate
Offered aside: Micro Focus Education

Test Inside information:

  • Format - Multiple-choice
  • Total Questions - 45
  • Aggregate time - 2 hours
  • Passing Score - 70%


Introduced recently, UFT120-14-ASP is the in vogue certification for the popular testing tool UFT (Unified Functional Examination), historically known A QTP. Settled on the in vogue Micro Focus on UFT v14.x variant, this software testing credentials exam assesses a candidate's ability in:

  • Software testing,
  • Cognition of software testing principles and practices, and
  • Expertise in UFT.

Now, only organism offered at the ASP (Accredited Software Professional) level, the certification exam was previously offered for 3 more levels:

  • ASE - Accredited Software program Skilled,
  • CSE - Qualified Software Expert and
  • CSP - Certified Software Occupational group.

To best the Co-ordinated Functional Testing v14.x Certified Professional exam. Micro Focus offers the UFT120-Unified Functional Testing 14.x Essentials training course via its Micro Focus Education platform. The entire programme for the exam is divided into 6 modules:

  • Module 1: MF UFT Overview
  • Module 2: MF UFT GUI Examination
  • Module 3: Temporary with Objects
  • Module 4: Enhancing GUI Tests
  • Module 5: UFT API Examination
  • Module 6: Setting up and Viewing Run Results in UFT

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10. Certified Package Test Professional Associate Story (CSTP-A)

Certified Software Test Professional Associate Level (CSTP-A)

Floor: Beginner
Offered by: International Institute for Package Testing (IIST)

Exam Details:

  • Format - N/A
  • Total Questions - N/A
  • Total Prison term - N/A
  • Passing Mark - 80%

Fee: $120

IIST started oblation Certified Software Test Professional (CSTP) back in 1991. The Link up-level CSTP is a fitting software testing certification for individuals looking to beef kickoff their life history in the lucrative field of package testing.

Although CSTP-A is intended for freshers, there are two other CSTP levels, namely, Practician-level and Passe-partout-level, that are suitable for product managers, QA specialists, and other professionals with a multi-class experience in software examination. CSTP-A covers:

  • Principles and practices up to their necks with software examination.
  • Defect tracking.
  • Requirements definition, refinement, and verification.
  • Static testing.
  • Test mechanization, design, and management.

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Self-Poring over Software Testing

In the latter-day, software testing is a lucrative career avenue. Hence, it is high fourth dimension to learn software testing. There are several types of learning material available, ranging from free, YouTube video tutorials to paid, premium computer software testing courses, and books.

Regardless of the medium (or media), you choose to learn software testing, entirely you need to pore upon is praxis. Also, you need to try out a lot while testing. Be creative and exploratory in your approach to implementing software testing.

Some More Best Software Testing Certifications

Tin't get enough of the best computer software testing certifications? Here are some more top software testing certifications to check out:

  • Advanced Level Test Automation Applied scientist by ISTQB.
  • Certified Mechanisation Functional Examination Professional by Vskills.
  • Certified Agile Software package Test Professional Surmoun Floor (CASTP-M) by IIST.
  • Certified Agile Software Try Job Practitioner Level (CASTP-P) by IIST.
  • Certified Ambulatory Software Test Professional (CMSTP) aside IIST.
  • Certified Software Psychometric test Mechanization Architect by IIST.
  • Certified Software Test Automation Specialist aside IIST.
  • Professional Scrum Developer Certification by Scrum - Although meant for developers, as testers are as wel a part of development teams and Active teams, this certification can as wel welfare software system tests as it covers Agile testing to a big degree.


That completes our list of the unexceeded software testing enfranchisement programs. While the community is polarized connected the importance of a certification, if it gives you assurance and motivates you, in that location's no need to take a step back from gaining a software program testing certification. I wish you all the fortune and succeeder!

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10 Best Software Testing Certifications in 2022 [Updated] Free Download

Posted by: krolsainglow.blogspot.com

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